Yeast Infection Symptoms, Causes and What You Can Do About Them.

Yeast Infection Causes & Symptoms

It is a known fact that almost three quarters of all women will have some kind of yeast infection symptoms one or more times during their lives. Most of them will not even realize that they have yeast infection symptoms as most of them can be blamed on something else. This is where you need to be very careful as some infection symptoms can be the same as some sexually transmitted diseases and can be transmitted to your partner.

I strongly recommend that anyone see a doctor if they suspect any type of infection as the symptoms can be very similar to other more serious disorders. If it is a yeast infection the doctor will more than likely prescribe an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory drug. These things work fine and will probably relieve the symptoms but will do nothing to prevent a re-occurrence. Most women do not know that to do that you need to find something to destroy the cause of the symptoms to prevent them from coming back. I will speak more on that subject a little latter.

Everyone knows that all women are different and it is not possible to say that everyone will suffer from the same symptoms. Having said that here are some of the more general symptoms that will occur in most people when affected:

o Unusual vaginal discharges, pasty, white, and odorless
o Burning in the area
o Unbearable itching in the affected area
o Frequent and/or painful urination
o Pain during sexual intercourse
o Swelling in the area
o A rash may appear on the vagina or affected area

As I stated earlier all women are different ant they may have one or a few of the above symptoms in various stages of severity. The severity of the infections will vary depending on whatever treatment, if any, have already been tried.

There are also many things that can raise your risks of having yeast infection symptoms here are just a few that occur in almost everyone's life at one time or another:

o Lack of sleep
o Other illness
o Stress
o Pregnancy
o Excess sugar in the diet
o Taking birth control pills, antibiotics, and steroids
o Having your period
o Other diseases such as poorly controlled diabetes or HIV-AIDS
o Hormonal changes during periods

Even though having some yeast infection symptoms is in almost every woman's future, it does not need to be a recurring problem. There are many natural treatments to get rid of the infection and continue to live a normal life. Some of the best treatments available can be done in the privacy and comfort of home and are simple safe and effective. There are special kinds of oils that can be applied to the area and give relief from the yeast infection symptoms almost immediately. There are many foods found in almost every home that can help prevent re-occurrence; there are also many things in everyone's diet that can contribute to yeast infection symptoms as well. Knowing which foods to eat and not to eat is the key to avoidance and re-occurrence in the future.